More than 500 university graduates in our database this year - ready to go to an Erasmus+ internship abroad in 2023


We are happythat every year we have more and more slovak students interested in Erasmus+ graduate internships abroad with us.
The main benefit of hostng a graduate for Erasmus internship is that the trainee do not have to come back to study but fully focuses on the performance during the internship in order to get the best possible reference of even an interesting job offer after the internship completion.

This year we have recieved more than 500 applications of students graduating in 2023 interested to go on their Erasmus+ graduate internship abroad. They are ready to do their internship between July 2023 and June 2024. Solid Intern portal was designed to help them access the suitable host companies as well as allow the companies from across Europe access to hundreds of recent graduates from Slovakia searching their host companies for starting their careers.


We have more than 500 registered candidates from 15 different Universities from Slovakia and Czech republic. They are covering the following study areas:

Commerce, Business & other economic fields (finance, logistics, accounting...) - 34,4%

Medicine - 12,8%

Natural sciences - 8,7%

Marketing and Mass Media Communication - 8,2%

Arts & humanities - 6,7%

International relations - 5,1%

Law - 4,6%

Pharmacy - 4,1%

Veterinary medicine - 4,1%

Mathematics, Physics -3,8%

Physical education and sports - 3,1%

Education - 2,3%

IT & informatics - 1,3%

Engineering and Technology - 0,8%

These graduates have been currently searching for their internship positions. Publish your internship offer at and help them start their careers in your company.